The Universal White Time Healing is a fantastic healing modality that has been introduced to humanity in the last decades. It is very powerful and is tailor made for humans and Mother Earth.
According to Channie Cha Centara (Channie West): ’’Universal White Time Healing is an ancient Universal healing art. It gives us the possibility to work with a healing that is targeting the problem through time and space. A healing, that is individually searching for the problem, finding the need, wherever that might be, inside or outside of the person, animal, plant or situation that you choose to heal. The Universal White Time healing goes in and reaches the deepest vibration, on the physical plane, our atomic level. But it's also working on the most subtle of thoughts, emotions and dreams, creating the smartest ways of solving problems, inspiring new ideas and increasing positive experiences. So the healing can balance everything both physical and psychological, but even on the emotional plane. The philosophy behind Universal White Time Healing says that the body is like a musical instrument that is supposed to create the finest of vibrations, tones. But when the body is feeling sick, the instrument plays out of tune. Because Universal White Time Healing goes so deep in, it can tune the body to the right tone again. Attuned for a healthy and happy life.
This healing art is completely different from other forms of healing, partly through its unique origin, but also through its ability to reach the deepest laying problems without limit for time. Because White Time means that you work simultaneously with all the times in one unit, past, present and future flow together and it can also be said that it is also possible to work parallel to the Normal Time. This is because White Time is its own unique quality. White Time also means that all colors are present within the healing process and that is very positive for the body. The philosophy says that when the body doesn't feel ok, it's not only a lack of tones that is a problem but also lack of colors.’’
Source: Channie Cha Centara (Channie West)
More information about Universal White Time healing
1. Universal White Time Healing is open for everyone, both young and old, and of any background or belief. Because the future and tomorrow is what is important, not what it is left behind. A person doesn’t need to understand Spirituality before, and you don’t need to seek something afterwards. No one has to change because it is ok to be who you are.
2. Universal White Time Healing was created when highly developed Spiritual beings, having monitored the development on Earth, saw the need for increased healing in the human race.
3. The Spiritual Beings now created a new form of healing and adapted it in every way to the human need of healing. The new healing form, using White Time, was constructed to give the right amount of power on the right frequency, but also protection and security for both the healer and patient.
4. The healing was called Universal White Time Healing - tailor-made for humanity.
5. The healing form that was created could also be used for purposes other than healing humans; for instance, a healer could also heal nature and Mother Earth.
6. Universal White Time Healing can be taught to all people.
7. Universal White Time Healing is special in that it obeys the Karmic Laws. If an illness has karmic origins, the healing power will be turned off
8. Universal White Time Healing is unique due to the fact that the healer uses white time in his/her healing. White Time is past time, present time and the future – all in one. Time is brought together into one ‘unit’ – much like taking the rainbows colors and merging them into white. Because of the White Time, the healer has the ability to give out healing to a patient before the illness has even occurred. He/she can also heal in present time or send the healing power forward in time to prevent the illness from breaking out again.
9. The healing works on all levels of the patient, even the etheric or astral bodies.
10. Universal White Time Healing can also be used for specific treatments of a patient. You can for instance, separately clean the aura or balance the chakras.
11. Universal White Time Healing can also be used for healing at a distance.
Source: Channie Cha Centara (Channie West)